In the post-Washington Consensus era, the pending social inequality and poverty have pushed South American New Left governments to seek “alternative developments” in the dawn of the 21st century, which is the so-called “Pink tide.” These governments’ motive is to seek an alternative development plan to address the social injustice and poverty left by market economy under the neoliberal model.
In fact, the common feature of this alternative development trend is characterized by a strong “normative orientation.” However, due to some political leaders usually having strong charismatic personalities, coupled with a weak state capacity and their constantly adapting strategies in response to political conflicts, results in a huge gap between development ideas and their policy praxis. Therefore, these leaders’ alternatives have been criticized as “political rhetoric”.
However, this paper argues that Latin American alternative developments could still be constructive in shaping new development perspectives and new social contracts by proposing alternative political and economic institutions to correct the ideal type of neoliberal governance, i.e. “liberal democracy” and “market economy.”
This paper examines the development discourses, political and economic agenda, as well as their corresponding governance institutions among Peru, Venezuela and Ecuador. This research concludes that these three cases show their alternative projects as conveying diverse development perspectives; however, their common ground is to promote “participatory democracy” and “economic democratization” as citizen’s empowerment strategy to meet human development, despite the fact they are also different in degree and forms of praxis.
本文目的在探究委內瑞拉查維茲總統執政期間,以國家力量打造的國有糧食生產體系與相關制度,為何以及如何導致委內瑞拉走向更仰賴糧食進口,並於國際石油價格崩跌之後陷入嚴重的物資「短缺」。 本文從制度論出發,制度互補作為分析架構,並結合國家角色與國家結盟進行分析,目的在探究2001~2013年間查維茲總統在「糧食主權」和 「二十一世紀社會主義國家轉型」政策框架下啟動的一系列糧食與農業政策,包括:土地改革與再分配、糧食市場銷售計劃、食品加工與零售部門國有化,以及價格和匯..
The paper examines the Venezuelan food and agricultural policies imposed by ex-President Hugo Chávez during 2001-2013 in order to explore why and how Venezuela became heavily reliant on food importation and eventually led to severe food shortage in 2014 when oil price collapsed. The research uses institutionalism and institutional complementarity as analytical framework, aiming at exploring how a series of food and agricultural policies, namely, land reform, price and exchange control, and nationalization of agroindustry sec..
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