有關於層次分析(levels-of-analysis)的研究早於第二次世界大戰以來即受到西方學者相當之注重,但國內相關之研究仍未重視層次分析之研究途徑,亦很少有研究著作涉及層次分析之研究架構。近年來隨著「建構主義」 在國際關係理論上愈受重視,開展相互主觀、研究「結構/體系」與「單元 /能動者」之動態互動關係,並提及跨層分析的重要性,可惜建構主義學者亦未能將層次分析之相關理論做系統性之整理或推導成分析模型。針對此,本文將傳統國際關係理論及建構主義涉及層次分析的研究途徑歸納為五大類,並提出相關層次分析之分析架構(analytical framework)及相關模型,以進一步推動國際關係研究中對於層次分析之重視,並冀有裨於國際關係研究者對複雜的層次分析能有一個較有系統性之分析架構。
Levels-of-analysis has been one of most important IR theory in the West since World War II, but still waiting to be explored in Taiwan. With the rises of constructivism emphasizing the concept of intersubjectivity, exploring the relations between structure and agency, and reverting the significance of cross-levels analysis, researchers are forced to recall levels-of-analysis approach. However, there is still a pity that constructivism did not offer a modeling analytical framework for the studies of levels-of-analysis. Therefore, this essay tries to distinguish IR Theory by constructing levels-of- analysis into five categories and offers a modeling explanatory framework for the studies of levels-of-analysis.
「新功能主義」(Neo-Functionalism, NF)是研究區域統合(integration) 最常被討論的論述之一,不過近年來新功能主義在內容上已有了很大的轉化:外溢效果(spill-overeffect)不再被視作統合的唯一自變項,而統合也只是「暫時」的依變項,不再是一項必定的結果。 哈斯(Ernst Haas)在新世紀即對其近 50 年前所提之新功能主義提出評論,獲學界高度矚目,頗值關心此議題及關心兩岸發展的人士注意;本文藉..
Neo-functionalism(NF)is one of the most argumentative theories for dealing with issues of regional integration. Supporters of NF argue that when the spillover effectis created through the process of functional integration, separate entities can construct political systems compatible with each other. Nevertheless, NF, especially that proposed by Ernst Hass, has changed since it was contested by scholars and testified in the literature. Nowadays, it is not valid to argue that the spillover effect can create integration automati..
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