Japan’s core weltanschauung, “Asian Studies”, as keywords in Japanese philosophy during recent development, has an instrumental effect on the establishment of the Nation of Japan. Asian Studies evolved from China Studies after the War. As the military did not have an influence on Japan’s China Studies after the War, it is now an important basis for Japan’s conversation with the rest of the world. This article intends to produce a genealogy of Japan’s Asian Studies to explore the characteristics of the Asian Studies after the war and how they differ from those before the war. There are three core grounds in the genealogy of Japan’s Asian Studies: as a reflection of the nation of Japan; as the ontology of inside and outside dialogues; and as an existence. Asian Studies is not only a product of dialogues between Japan and the West; it is also a product of dialogues between the East and the West. We will be able to understand the interactions between the West and the East through this research paper.
中國大陸自文革起歷經改革開放、中越戰爭、重要歷史決議案等重大轉變;同時日本的中國研究界內部也正進行世代交替的變化過程;加上兩岸公開史料,日中間學術交流、研究者相互長期在地研究等客觀情勢變化。日本中國研究因此開啟了約十年的轉型期,這個期間轉型並不朝向單一方向,而 是開始了各種多元的復甦。首先是在史觀上,在社會主義中國完全視為完全斷裂的「革命史觀」,轉變為強調連續性的「民國史觀」;第二是主體性與價值觀面向,擺脫完全依賴中共定義,建立日本「再評價」風潮;最後是方法..
Since the Cultural Revolution, Mainland China has experienced great transitions such as the Reform and the Open Period, the Sino-Vietnam War, and several historical political resolutions. Japan’s China Studies have also experienced several generational changes. Historical documents between Taiwan and China have been published. Scholarly exchanges between China and Japan have also increased, including the possibility of visiting scholars from one to the other. All these have contributed to the transition of Japan’s..
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