期刊內容 Issue content

The Canadian Practice on Public Diplomacy and Its Meanings
吳得源(Der-Yuan Wu)

相對於美國、中國大陸及許多主要大國從事「公眾外交」實踐及其理論化的中英文研究文獻汗牛充棟,中小型國家的經驗大致上較少受到關注。本論文假定加拿大在公眾外交實踐經驗有其特殊貢獻與研究價值,進而透過探索加拿大公眾外交的發展、歸納其所呈現的形態與內外連結特徵、分析其實踐優劣與挑戰來作印證。加拿大公眾外交的實踐可歸納出兩大主要特徵:一方面,其強調的是結合對外與對內雙重面向的溝通以及政府與人民雙向關係並重。其涉及的主要標的,並非局限於國外的民間團體、意見領袖與人民,也包括國內聯邦政府各部門、各層級地方政府部門、非政府組織、青年與一般人民。外交與內政在國家發展上具有一定的交織連結與一體性,公眾外交的推動與作用並不限縮於對外關係的傳統層面,目標也聚焦於對內的社會凝聚(social cohesion)上。加拿大公眾外交這種連結內外及促進內部團結目標,呈現在「府際關係」與「審議民主」層面上,更具體在「公眾外交計畫」的評鑑報告獲得印證。另一方面,加國實踐顯示聯邦政府的外交貿易發展部門不再是唯一從事公眾外交的專責機構,但仍繼續肩負協調者或促進者角色,努力結合其他層級政府所推動的相關平行外交措施,與政府所設有關國際合作的部門、民間 NGO 等連結成政策網絡、共同承擔「擦亮品牌」的責任。


While existing literature focuses primarily on the practices of public diplomacy(PD)of Great Powers, such as the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and much of PD’s conceptualization was often based on their experiences, less attention was paid to middle or small countries. It is assumed that the Canadian experience in this regard is insightful and deserves a systemic study. This paper explored the development of Canadian PD, generalized its patterns with an emphasis on its foreign-domestic linkage. The practices of Canadian PD were characterized into two aspects: On one hand, Canadian PD aimed to achieve dialogue- oriented communication with international as well as domestic targets, which engaged not only foreign governments and people, but also domestic government departments and agencies at various levels, NGOs as well as ordinary people. The foreign-domestic linkage in Canadian PD was particularly evident in terms of Inter-Governmental Relations and Deliberative Democracy. On the other hand, it testified to the relevance of public-private partnerships and collaboration, which revealed that traditional diplomatic establishment was no longer the sole actor, but the hub of policy networks across agencies and groups.

