期刊內容 Issue content

選舉輸家和贏家的情感極化差異: 政治效能感的調節作用
The Differences of Affective Polarization between Electoral Losers and Winners: The Moderating Role of Political Efficacy
王靖興 (Ching-Hsing Wang)
Previous research has pointed out significant differences between electoral losers and winners in terms of democratic satisfaction and political support. However, there has been scarce examination of whether there are significant differences in affective polarization between electoral losers and winners. This study argues that in fiercely competitive elections, electoral losers lack confidence in the winners and distrust that their needs will be addressed, deepening the divide between them and the winning camp, and leading to higher levels of affective polarization. On the other hand, electoral winners, being on the victorious side and wielding political power, may be more inclusive towards the opposing camp, resulting in lower levels of affective polarization.
Additionally, this study further contends that the relationship between electoral losers/winners and affective polarization is subject to the moderating effect of political efficacy, yielding heterogeneous impacts. Using data from Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study Benchmark Survey, 2021 (TEDS2021), this study finds significant differences in affective polarization between electoral losers and winners, with electoral losers exhibiting higher levels of affective polarization than electoral winners. However, as political efficacy increases, the affective polarization of electoral losers gradually decreases, while that of electoral winners gradually increases. Nevertheless, further analysis using survey data from the four presidential elections between 2008 and 2020 reveals that the relationship between voter types, sense of political efficacy, and affective polarization varies in different years and electoral contexts. Overall, the findings of this study enhance our comprehension of the political influence exerted by electoral losers and winners and make a significant contribution to the existing body of literature by shedding light on the underlying causes of affective polarization.