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自傳體敘事、主體思想與「北韓例外論」 之論述基礎
Autobiographical Narrative, Juche Idea, and the Discourse Basis of Korea Exceptionalism
游力亮 (Li-Liang You) 季宇琦 (Yu-Qi Ji)
In terms of “exceptionalism”, some studies have focused on the imagination and construction of exceptionality by major powers such as the United States, China, and India, while ignoring the deep-rooted tradition of exceptionalism in North Korea as a hermit kingdom. With this in mind, this article uses an analytical framework for national autobiographical narratives and analyzes Korean exceptionalism with a focus on the Juche idea. The article argues that the mythological narrative-oriented myth of Dangun, the narrative manipulation of the North Korean Kim family, and the historical and political education of North Korea are three autobiographical narrative mechanisms that effectively influence the transformation of North Korea into an exceptional nation. In terms of the types, there are three broad categories, namely, North Korean political system exceptionalism, North Korean national identity exceptionalism, and North Korean international status exceptionalism. Based on the findings of this research, further discussion could be conducted on the impact of North Korean exceptionalism on North Korea’s foreign policy.