本文從香港回歸中國統治前後之歷史脈絡,分析中國領導人對於國際民主權利規範的論述建構過程及內涵,並檢視北京政府對於香港政治人權政策的相關論述中相關語言符號的運用變化情形,以進一步分析中國對於香港地區在國際人權規範的論述建構與意涵。研究發現,1997 年香港回歸以後,中國政府對香港民主權利建制的國際人權規範建構,基本上仍呈現為一種以「工具性適應」向「爭論性辯論」過渡與擺盪的建構型態。「一國兩制」方 案成為北京因應國際人權力量與國內地方區域自治權雙向要求的一種限縮性民主參與權利規範論述語言。
This paper, in the context of history of Hong Kong’s returning to PRC, analyzes the construct of the PRC leaderships’ discourse on the international norms of democratic rights by reviewing the language symbols from the texts of the PRC’s political human rights policy toward Hong Kong so as to scrutinize the type and implications of PRC’s international norms constructing. It argues that, after the returning of Hong Kong to PRC, the type of international norms constructing of democratic rights that PRC takes toward Hong Kong is swinging between the instrumental adaptation and the argumentative discourse. The “one country two systems” formula serves as a norm on the limited democratic right in response to the pressures from international human rights force and domestic autonomy regions.
Self-determination is a concept in principle, by which the people having rights to form their own state or government. However, the movement of self-determination of the 20th century is becoming a very complicated issue with various definitions under international politics and laws. Since the 1990s, the practice of self-determination movement has far exceeded the legal framework, as originally considered for the independence of post-war colonies in the 1960s. The increasing relevance and importance of the problem in secession are due ..
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