「芬蘭化」(Finlandization)一詞源於 1948 年芬蘭與蘇聯之協定,意指小國在其對外行為上,主動將大國之國家利益納入考量,不做出有害大國利益之事,從而交換大國對其獨立性與自主性的承諾。既有文獻常將此一特殊中立政策的做成,歸因於小國在現實政治的限制下被動但理性之反應。本文從「文化民族」(Kulturnation)以及「國家民族」(Staatsnation)之論述,將 「芬蘭化」的政策,理解為是對芬蘭歷史脈絡與民族主義思想傳統的復歸與重構。這不僅賦予理性主義的觀點更具體的內涵,也有助於解釋芬蘭的中立政策,由消極到積極的可能性條件。
This paper explores the impact of identity on foreign policy, with the idea of “Finlandization” as an empirical case. Foreign policy can be conceptualized as a response to “we” concepts, and a political community’s answers to such questions as “who we are” and “our roles and places in the world” are generally stable. It is thus helpful to grasp the general tendency of a community’s foreign policy if the ways in which it understands and organizes the basic “we” concepts such as how the “nation” and the “state” are identified.
The term “Finlandization” originates from the 1948 Finnish-Soviet Treaty, and is used to refer to a small state’s foreign behavior that it takes a great power’s national interests into consideration and avoids actions that hinder the great power, so that its independence and autonomy can be assured. Most literature understands the making of this peculiar policy of neutrality in terms of a small state’s passive but rational action under the constraints of Realpolitik. By analyzing the Finnish discourses of “cultural nation” (Kulturnation)and “state-nation”(Staatsnation), this paper interprets the policy-line of Finlandization as a resort to, as well as a remaking of, the Finnish historical context and tradition. This way of reasoning not only provides the rationalist accounts with more substantial contents, it also helps explain how Finland’s neutrality shifted from a passive stance to a more active one.
台灣四大族群的比例,在過去有戶籍資料身分可供參考,而在民國 81 年之戶籍法新修正規定,除原住民身分與族別外,其他族群並不記載。因此族群間的明顯分界線一夕消失,然而四大族群仍然存在。 欲瞭解現今台灣四大族群間的人口比例,通婚情況是必要瞭解的問題。本研究發現,過去傳統以父親為主要認同的方式,正逐漸發生變化,而這與父母親輩之族群通婚有相當大的關係。尤其以目前台灣在社會政治上,皆以台灣優先為本位,而本省閩南族群又為優勢族群,因此只要與本省閩南..
There used to be household registration data on the percentage of the major four Taiwanese ethnic groups. However, based on the amended Household Registration Law in 1992, only indigenous people and their tribes are identified in the database. While the distinct categorization among the four groups blurred overnight, the four groups remain. In order to understand the population percentage among the four groups, it’s necessary to understand the inter-group marriage. In this research, it has found that the trad..
針對漸行漸遠的兩岸關係,對岸近年推出一系列的惠台、交流政策,試圖強化兩岸民間互動,促進雙方和平統一。此類政策核心環節之一是兩岸的青年交流,自 2004 年以降,邀訪活動即不斷擴大規模,參與頗為熱絡,但此類政策能否發揮部分人士憂慮的政治影響,目前似未見系統的實證研究。 有鑒於此,作者乃透過深度訪談,搭配以問卷分析,探討此類交流接觸經驗,能否轉變參與者的政治認知及政治認同。根據作者研究發現,參與此類活動後,台灣青年既有的刻板印象,產生相當顯著的變化,但若觸及深層..
To break the stalemate of today’s cross-Strait relations, China has formulated a series of policies recently to promote cross-Strait exchanges and in the end to create pro-unification interests in Taiwan society. One of the key elements of these policies is hosting student teams from Taiwan for a short visit to China. Since the year 2004, these student teams have attracted thousands of Taiwan college students each year and through these teams, the students had first-hand contacts with the Mainland Chinese society. But t..
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