期刊內容 Issue content

Power Analysis of EU's Trade Policy
賴昀辰(Yun-Chen Lai)

本文第一部分藉由現有的文獻回顧國際關係對於權力的探討以及貿易與權力的關係;在介紹歐洲聯盟(European Union,以下簡稱歐盟)貿易政策的基本框架後,接著探討歐盟實際的貿易政策作為,並且討論貿易政策背後的政治意涵;最後由國際關係理論以及上述的貿易政策,討論歐盟貿易政策的權力角色。歐盟由於先天上發展傳統軍武實力的限制,於是採取貿易、知識等非傳統權力手段來推動價值以及創造規範,在全球化的時代下構築其有別於傳統軍事強權的知識權力角色。


The research is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the literatures regarding power and the relations between trade and power in IR studies. Secondly, this article chooses several EU’s trade policies in practice to discuss the political implications behind the trade policy. Finally, the research analyzes the role of power of EU’s trade through IR theories and the practical trade policies discussed above. Because of the inborn constraint on the development of traditional military capability, the EU uses non-traditional power instruments, i.e., trade and knowledge, to create value and norm. Through the power of trade, knowledge, value and norm, the EU builds up the role of normative power, which is different from the traditional military power.

