The glaciers melting of the Great Himalayan basin due to global warming has resulted in river water shortage and drought crises. As many rivers of the area are trans-boundary waters, water scarcity has aroused tension between countries. The relationships between the two powers – China and India – attract the most attention. As the sources of all shared rivers between the two countries lie on the Tibetan Plateau, which is under control of China, China’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project has thus posed significant threats to India. Owing to lack of water resources cooperation and information sharing mechanisms, realistic tendencies of the two countries have exacerbated the existing tension, and the potential risk of water war between the two countries seems inevitable.
本研究認為,為更加切合國際關係的現實,必須從全球與區域層次重新修正國際關係理論的結構現實主義。攻勢現實主義雖然初步涉及全球-區域層次,提出區域霸權概念,不過由於該理論在本體論、體系結構理論和區域層次上的論述缺失,最終還是受到守勢現實主義框架的限制。本文因此以Barry Buzan和Richard Little的「互動能力」概念作為物質性建構的關鍵因素,使攻勢現實主義的本體論和體系結構觀得以動態化,並填補該理論在區域層次上的不足。本文也將區域層次作為全球層次的..
This study argues that in order to fit into international relations, it is neces- sary to establish a global-regional level of structural realism. Despite the con- tribution of Offensive Realism by bringing in regional hegemony to the global level, it challenges the traditional assumption of structural realism, which is the constant anarchy underlies the international system. However, due to the defi- ciency of Offensive Realism in explaining ontology, system-structure theory, as well as the regional level, it ultimately retu..
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